
Just yesterday my fortune cookie read, "You have the ability to touch the lives of many people." And I thought to myself, YES -- that's me now, in my own ACT II. I do this through Big Hug, our remembrance gift company, with thoughtful and enduring gifts, and personalized gifts designed to honor a person or beloved pet who share(d) life's journey.

Every day I am delighted, moved, and sometimes humbled by your touching or poignant wording placed on our tree and garden dedication markers and plaques, by the sweet sounds of poetry that grace your personalized wind chimes, and by the sentiments engraved on your garden stones. These are all gentle reminders of who the special people (or pets) were, and how they lived their lives. Through these and our many other remembrance gifts, Big Hug connects hearts to bring peace and comfort to those who are grieving, or reflect the shared joy of special moments in time.

I did not need to know Ida...or Celeste...or even "Rosie" the coonhound, to know that they were special to one or to many...and to see that they are missed -- honored -- and celebrated -- in ways that are ongoing.

I named the company "Big Hug" - a popular catch phrase among many of my friends, mainly for social occasions, because, to me, those two little words conveyed an expression of caring and compassion. Over time I came to realize the true power and capacity of "Big Hug" and determined that we could extend the company to include other meaningful and related events. Therefore, today many of our products are also designed to honor individuals, commemorate events, or celebrate milestones, and are sought by schools, businesses, churches, philanthropic organizations and civic groups, for this purpose.

A few years ago I had no idea I'd be where I am today. Life is always a surprise! But I love my work and I feel like it's needed in this world.



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Site Design & Production by Curious Light

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